(2017-07-22) marukome Morning Misoshiru nomou yo! #4

Broadcasted on
 : July 22, 2017 from 10:50 to 10:55
Featured members : Fukumura Mizuki, Yokoyama Reina

  New program "marukome Morning Misoshiru nomou yo!" is a program where members of Morning Musume。'17 have fun learning about the importance of breakfast and how to spend a healthy morning. In the program, Morning Musume。introduces world topics related to "breakfast" and "how to spend your morning" every week. We'll be showing off the Morning Musume。'17 members wake-up times and their surprising habits in the morning, as well as discovering tips for spending a healthy day. The members will change every month, and the broadcast starting in July with Fukumura Mizuki and Yokoyama Reina.


"What do you think of fried egg seasoning?"
