(2017-07-15) marukome Morning Misoshiru nomou yo! #3
Broadcasted on : July 15, 2017 from 10:50 to 10:55
Featured members : Fukumura Mizuki, Yokoyama Reina
New program "marukome Morning Misoshiru nomou yo!" is a program where members of Morning Musume。'17 have fun learning about the importance of breakfast and how to spend a healthy morning. In the program, Morning Musume。introduces world topics related to "breakfast" and "how to spend your morning" every week. We'll be showing off the Morning Musume。'17 members wake-up times and their surprising habits in the morning, as well as discovering tips for spending a healthy day. The members will change every month, and the broadcast starting in July with Fukumura Mizuki and Yokoyama Reina.
"What time do Japanese people wake up on average?" And by the way, which prefecture is the earliest riser? (surveyed in 2016)
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