(2021-12-24) MUSIC BLOOD


Broadcasted on : December 24, 2021
Featured members : Morning Musume。'21 (Fukumura MizukiIkuta ErinaIshida AyumiSato MasakiOda SakuraNonaka MikiMakino MariaHaga Akane, Kaga KaedeYokoyama ReinaKitagawa RioOkamura HomareYamazaki Mei)


How are Morning Musume。different from other idol groups?
Yokoyama : Tsunku♂-san's songs are unique and won't never lose against anyone else's. Also our performance includes strong dance formations!

Current Morning Musume。group form is based on "coolness"
MC : Members has to learn and remember over than 100 dance formations, some of them are very difficult
Yamazaki : When I joined, learning those dance formations was my priority number 1. I watched many DVD performances. I learned 3 choreographies per day and when I saw my dance teacher, I practiced a lot alongside them. The next day, I came back home and learned 3 other choreographies.
Ikuta : We get the chance to watch a lot of archive footages, back to the first years of the group, but sometimes, even with the footages, we don't succeed to perform perfectly like they did back then.
MC : Then how do you do if you don't understand the choreography ?
Oda : You have to understand it.

Morning Musume。LEGEND BLOOD
LEGEND BLOOD #1 : Takahashi Ai
Oda : The one who helped to expose the group so many times on television, who led to real performances on stage, who had an uneven presence, was Takahashi Ai-san. She created the era that leads to today.
Kitagawa : Each of her performances are cool but some of them are memorable. The one I'll always remember is the opening performance of the 2010 fall tour final concert. 

LEGEND BLOOD #2 : Michishige Sayumi
Ishida : Michishige-san gives all of her love to Morning Musume。. At the time she became leader of the group, she really reached the top. No other idol from any group could compete with her. She would arrive on TV sets saying "I'm the cutest~" and no one could contradict her.
Fukumura : When Michishige-san gave me the leadership, I tried to be like her, to give all of my love to the group and the members. I tried to be a leader just as she wanted. 
Ishida : She's just the "professionnal idol". Always singing in a cute way and smiling to everyone. That's how an idol should be!

LEGEND BLOOD #3 : Sayashi Riho
Morito : Her singing and dancing performances were always on top. When I saw her, I always thought "Is there an idol who can handle things like she have done?"
Kaga : More than an idol, she's an artist.

Medley performance
"Renai Revolution 21 (updated)" "What is LOVE?" "Teenage Solution"
