(2023-06-28 23:27:49) TV Tokyo Music Festival 2023! Yokoyama Reina

Today's "TV Tokyo Music Festival 2023 Summer"

Morning Musume。'23 are making an appearance there!

Who watched it~??
It was such a funny shooting ☺️

Have you noticed it~? 🤔
I had my jellyfish hair
The same I did on Nippon Budokan concert!

Next to my dressing room was
OCHA NORMA's Ishiguri Kanami-chan!
She kept saying "So cute~!!!!"
I was happy!!!! 😉💗

We were able to attend their performance
On the TV set!
It was a very valuable experience!
I was happy!!

Thank you very much 🤍🤍🤍


Today is Yamazaki Mei-chan's birthday 🎂

Mei, happy birthday 💜

I love Mei so much,
I can't stop myself saying 
"Cute!!!!!!". Everytime.

Let's keepy seeing each other in private again!
I wish you a wonderful year 🐼

Yokoyama Reina
