(2023-01-24) Utacon


Broadcasted on : January 24, 2023
Featured members : Morning Musume。'23 (Fukumura MizukiIkuta ErinaIshida AyumiOda SakuraNonaka MikiMakino MariaHaga AkaneYokoyama ReinaKitagawa RioOkamura HomareYamazaki MeiSakurai Rio)


Talk part (FukumuraIkutaNonakaKitagawaSakurai)
MC : How do you feel about your coming graduation Fukumura-san?
Fukumura : I've been part of Hello! Project and Morning Musume for 12 years now. This is a big part of my life. Those years were wonderful and I'll always cherish them. I will miss everyone ... But I'll do my best until this fall!

MC: Next, Morning Musume。 will perform both songs: LOVE Machine and their new song Swing Swing Paradise. Ikuta, what can you say about it?
Ikuta : Currernt Morning Musume。tries to be the coolest ever on their performance. So please, enjoy our performances!

25th Anniversary Medley: "LOVE Machine" (short version) & "Swing Swing Paradise" (short version)
