(2022-11-25) 47NEWS - Morning Musume。Yokoyama Reina praises Wataru Endou and others' players "Break through the soccer field with a never-give-up spirit."

Japan's national football team won their first match in Qatar Football World Cup. Yokoyama Reina, member of the popular idol group Morning Musume。'22, who's from Saitama Prefecture and is known as an avid Urawa Reds fan, also commented: "I think their concentration and never-giving-up spirit are second to none. I hope they can get through the group field and go on to the next level".

She went to watch the match won against Germany after the Morning Musume。'22's concert on the same day: "The firsrt half (of the match) was heartbreaking, but they did a great job of holding on and only conceding one goal. In the second half, I was really impressed by the good direction of the offensive stance".
She says that she has been a big fan of Wataru Endou - who was active on the defensive side, since he was a member of Urawa: "I'm happy to see him playing in the world as well".

Yokoyama passionately describes the appeal of football as "not only the individual skills, but also the way everyone communicates with each other and builds a team". The "Musume。" spirit is the same: "I think it's similar to football, where everyone thinks for a long time and builds things up together".

She hopes that Japan's national team will use teamwork as a weapon to win the tournament, she also expresses a wish unique to Urawa fans: "I hope this World Cup will be a great success. I hope that the excitement of the World Cup will trigger an increase in the number of people interested in the J-League, even if only a little!"
