Lyrics ー "Gashin Shoutan" (臥薪嘗胆) (2021 Aki)

From "Hello! Project 2021 Aki "Zoku Kachou Fuugetsu"
Fukumura Mizuki
- Nonaka Miki - Yokoyama Reina - Kitagawa Rio - Kamikokuryo Moe - Tamenaga ShionKudo Yume Inoue ReiArisawa Ichika - Niinuma Kisora - Ono Mizuho - Fukuda Marine - Ichioka Reina - Shimakura Rika - Kobayashi Honoka

Romaji, colorcode 

Shoukyokuteki da ne tatta no ichido no jinsei ja nai ka
Makeru koto nai chousen da nante imi nai ja nai ka
Nigate ishiki muishiki okubyou kaze fui chatte

Hikanteki da ne tatta no ichido no shippai ja nai ka
Zasetsu shiranai
NINGEN da nante jinjou ja nai sa
Genjou iji yousumi sonna konna de heikousen
Shuudan shinri shoujiki
iiwake nante [Ta/Ar/On/Fu] irimasen

Gashin shoutan saa SHOOTAIMU!
Nasakenai kurai ni uchinomesare
Haitsukubatte kizutsuku koto mo [
No/In] taisetsu da

Gashin shoutan nee sou ja nai?
Nigai omoide hodo amaku naru
KURAISHISU wa CHANSU da wa gashin shoutan

Tsuyoi teki made
tatta ichigeki ja SHIRAKEru ja nai ka
Wasurerarenai kutsujoku da nante
joutou ja nai ka
Kanjou made no
jishiki tsune ni jibun ni [Fu/Ki] iikikaseru

Takai kabe nara tatta ka noborecha GAKKARI ja nai ka
Te no todokanai HAADORU da nante
sonzai shinai sa
Genjou hitei yousuru ni jma wa tada no tsuukaten
Mikaesu made wa shoujiki wara waretatte

Gashin shoutan saa SHOOTAIMU!
Arienai kurai ni DEKAku natte
Mikaesu made akiramenai yo [Ku/On] zettai da

Gashin shoutan nee sou ja nai?
Shagami kondabun dake BANE ni naru
Fu/In] Kurai kao ja owaranai [all] gashin shoutan

Gashin shoutan saa SHOOTAIMU!
Nasakenai kurai ni uchinomesare
Haitsukubatte kizutsuku koto mo taisetsu da

Gashin shoutan nee sou ja nai?
Nigai omoide hodo amaku naru
gashin shoutan


消極的だね  たったの一度の人生じゃないか
負けることない 挑戦だなんて 意味無いじゃないか
苦手意識 無意識 臆病風 吹いちゃって

悲観的だね  たったの一度の失敗じゃないか
挫折知らない ニンゲンだなんて 尋常じゃないさ
現状維持 様子見 そんなこんなで平行線
集団心理 正直 言い訳なんて いりません

臥薪嘗胆 さあショータイム!
情けないくらいに 打ちのめされ
這いつくばって 傷つくことも 大切だ

臥薪嘗胆 ねえ そうじゃない?
苦い思い出ほど 甘くなる
クライシスはチャンスだわ 臥薪嘗胆

強い敵まで たった一撃じゃ シラケるじゃないか
忘れられない 屈辱だなんて 上等じゃないか
過剰までの 自意識 常に自分に言い聞かせる

高い壁なら たったか登れちゃ ガッカリじゃないか
手の届かない ハードルだなんて 存在しないさ
現状否定 要するに 今はただの通過点
見返すまでは 正直 笑われたって知りません

臥薪嘗胆 さあショータイム!
ありえないくらいに デカくなって
見返すまで あきらめないよ 絶対だ

臥薪嘗胆 ねえ そうじゃない?
しゃがみこんだぶんだけ バネになる
暗い顔じゃ 終わらない 臥薪嘗胆

臥薪嘗胆 さあショータイム!
情けないくらいに 打ちのめされ
這いつくばって 傷つくことも 大切だ

臥薪嘗胆 ねえ そうじゃない?
苦い思い出ほど 甘くなる
クライシスはチャンスだわ 臥薪嘗胆


You’re so half-hearted, we’ve only got one shot at life, don’t we? (Life!)
A challenge where there’s no risk of losing has no point, does it? (No point!)
Feelings of not being good enough, unconsciously, losing your nerve

You’re so pessimistic, you’ve only failed once, right? (Fail!)
A human that’s never experienced a setback just isn’t natural (Humans!)
Sticking to the status quo, keeping a wait-and-see attitude, with this and that, no common point ever gets reached (No common point!)[N1]
Group psychology, honestly, I don’t need that sort of excuse

Undergo those hardships, c’mon, it’s showtime!
Getting crushed and kicked around to the point it’s pathetic
Falling down to your knees and getting hurt, those are crucial experiences too

Hey, this is “undergoing hardships”, isn’t that right?
The more bitter the memory, the sweeter it becomes in retrospect
This crisis is your opportunity, undergo extreme hardships

Bringing down even the strongest enemies with a single blow would get boring, right? (A single blow!)
Being unforgettably humiliated, you say? Bring it on! (Bring it on!)
Being overly self-conscious, I’m always trying to convince myself

If you just climb over the towering wall in your way without breaking a sweat, that’s a let-down, right? (Let-down!)
There’s no such thing as a hurdle that you can’t reach (Such thing!)
Reject the status quo—after all, the present is just a passing point (Passing point!)
Until I look back in triumph, honestly, I don’t care even if they laugh at me

Undergo those hardships, c’mon, it’s showtime!
Until I get unbelievably big
Until I’ve triumphed, I won’t give up, never

Undergo those hardships, c’mon, it’s showtime!
The lower I crouch, the more bounce I’ll get when I rise
I won’t end it with a gloomy face, undergo extreme hardships

Undergo those hardships, c’mon, it’s showtime!
Getting crushed and kicked around to the point it’s pathetic
Falling down to your knees and getting hurt, those are crucial experiences too

Hey, this is “undergoing hardships”, isn’t that right?
The more bitter the memory, the sweeter it becomes in retrospect
This crisis is your opportunity, undergo extreme hardships
