(2022-02-14 21:03:40) Chocolate!! Yokoyama Reina

It's Yokoyama Reina

February 14! It's Valentine's Day 😌
I feel like I should have some chocolate too, isn't it!?
Did you received some chocolate?

There are all sorts of cute and stylish chocolates.
It's fun just to look at them~

I used to cook some~ a lot of them lol.
We used to get together after school and swap them.
Those days were so much fun!

This year I bought some by myself 😉 lol


Ah! I've been starting rehearsal
For the birthday event!

Before you even realized it ...
It's February... And the birthday event is in two weeks...
I'm looking forward to!

I hope a lot of us
Will come to see me ✊

Yokoyama Reina
