(2017-08-19 21:56:40) 160.Active☆ Yokoyama Reina


It's Yokoyama Reina


Today was

HelloCon 星 in Nakano Sun Plaza

Thank you to everyone who came to see us 照れ

Last HelloCon was to Sendai,

After that I went to Okayama for the Spring tour,

Then we had Naruchika,

So I felt it was a long time that I didnt do HelloCon!

I'm nervous when I do something after a long time. Lol

I'm nervous even if I review it properly!!!!!!

But after all the concert was fun ピンクハート

I love concerts ピンクハート

Tomorrow too, there's HelloCon to Nakano Sun Plaza!

I'm looking forward to it!!!!

Let's get excited together イエローハーツ


Well, see you tomorrow~☆
