(2017-08-11 22:01:27) 156.A☆ Yokoyama Reina



Today was HelloCon to Sendai キラキラ

Thank you to everyone who came 口笛

Concerts in Sendai are always hot so it's really fun ピンクハート

And... Beef tongue ハート

It's so delicious~!!!

It's really the best thing when we're going there ラブ

...Well now that I'm writing this,
I kinda want to eat yakiniku. Lol



Ikuta Erina-san-san did my makeup!!

I was happy to have a different makeup from the usual one 音符

I learned a lot! Thank you Ikuta Erina-san グリーンハート


ヒマワリ To everyone ヒマワリ

I'm looking forward the Naruchika a lot~照れ

Well, see you tomorrow~☆

☆Yokoyama Reina☆
