(2017-10-05) DAM CHANNEL


Broadcasted on : October 5, 2017
Featured members : Morning Musume。'17 (Ishida Ayumi, Oda SakuraNonaka Miki, Makino MariaKaga KaedeYokoyama Reina)


MC : Morning Musume。has continued a long time isn't it? That means there are many traditions and things taight by the senpai. What kind? From who? And what? Told by?
Ishida : There's SO many things.
Oda : Nakazawa Yuko-san is one of the original members and the first leader. Whenever we saw her, she always says "Please take care of Morning Musume。and Hello! Project as well". It's not just lip services. She's saying it from the bottom of her heart, trusting us about Morning Musume。.

MC : Is there any episode about the senpai which you didn't excepted about them?
Ishida : There's a rule about choosing bento from the senpai. When we have, for example, three type of bento, we've got that system where the oldest members will choose first. When I was the youngest, I took a bento that a senpai wanted, it was Tanaka Reina-san. She's from Fukuoka so she has a strong dialect, and she come shouting "Where's Reina bento!?". I was the one who took it before her.
MC : What kind of bento is left until the end?
Yokoyama : I'm currently last person to choose the bento. Mine is usually fish one. I come and took the fish bento like "Oh, fish again, okay, then" (laughs).
MC : One day, you'll get your bento for sure.
Yokoyama : I'll work hard for that!

MC : As an idol, what point is something you're strongly feel that you're doing better than others?
Oda : There's a big screen when we're doing concerts, where our faces are focused. That moment, we think how we can make a strong impression. That's all of us are trying really really really hard. 
MC : Let's try with this camera.
Kaga : I'm using my front hair (laughs)
Yokoyama does her's.
Ishida : You can do more.
Yokoyama : Eh? Really?
Kaga : Do it like usual.
Yokoyama : Usual Yokoyama, right.
Yokoyama tries again.
Kaga : She's nervous.
Yokoyama : Yes I am. Sorry!
