(2018-07-06 23:44:21) Friday 8:00 is open schedule Yokoyama Reina


Today, we featured to

"MUSIC STATION 2 Hours SP" 音符 

To everyone who watched it!
Thank you so much ピンク音符

Nope, yup. I was so nervous. Lol
But, I had so muuuuuuch fun ハート

And Matsuoka Mayu-san really delivered her love for Morning Musume。... ハート
I'm so honored!
Matsuoka-san, thank you very much キラキラ

...Did you all noticed?

Yokoyama Reina, I, did cut my hair~

But, I cut it very short. Noticed? Lol

"Eh? Yokoyan, what's that!?"
So many people reacted like that. Lol

First shown to MStation audience! My bob! Lol

So short!!!!! Something fresh for myself. Lol

How is it~??

Matsuoka-san also noticed that I cut them,
She immediately come to me and told me "That's cute ハート"
I was so happy... お願い

I'm waiting for your feedback for today, including my hairstyle. Lol

I'm so excited~ Lol

Ah! Also tell me if you will be here during HelloCon! To see Bob Yokoyama!

Dean Fujioka-san 音符

Dean Fujioka-san was really reallllllly amazing...!!
Thank you for the pic ブルー音符

✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ 

I also recorded for Young Town Doyoubi!
Guest is Akiyama Mao-san キラキラ
Akiyama-san is really interesting and cute 照れ
Looking forward~!!

✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ 

むらさき音符 Announcement むらさき音符

黄色い花Yokoyama Reina First Photobook "THIS IS REINA"
Now on sale!

黄色い花Blu-Ray "First YOKOYAMA REINA"
Now on sale!

黄色い花"Soccer Game King" 
Yokoyama Reina features the cover! 

黄色い花On Augsut 12 "ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2018"
Morning Musume。'18 will featuring!

It was a very fulfilling day キラキラ
It's amazing~!!!!!

Yokoyama Reina

#Mstation #thankyouverymuch 
