(2017-04-30 22:03:20) 84. Win☆ Yokoyama Reina

Konbanyamayama~ ✨


It's Yokoyama Reina (¨̮ )




Today in Makino Maria-san's hometown prefecture

We had concert to Aichi ラブ 


There were two performances !!

Thank you to everyone who came to see us 音符


The scene was so big !!

By big, I mean tall and wide !!


It made me wanna give all I could ニヤリ Lol


Lately, I had a lot of body aches with training,
But during the concert it was going perfectly~ ニヤリ Lol


I also did my best to sing,

To be fair on all my lines ハート

I really did my best !


Thank you very much for your support キラキラ


To dinner,

I ate kishimen~ ハート


It was so good, I didn't want to stop eating it,

So I used it again
(But I didn't eat it all)

Can't wait to go back to Aichi to eat some~ ピンクハート


Counting today,
Here we have done 18 performances of the tour!

It's already nice.

I can't wait to continue~ !!


黄色い花 Concerts are wonderful 黄色い花




The determination~ ニヤリ


Well, see ya tomorrow~☆


☆Yokoyama Reina☆
