(2017-03-01 19:36:17) 33.Weak☆ Yokoyama Reina
Evening ✨
It's Yokoyama Reina( ¨̮ )
Today, we did some rehearsal for the spring tour
Rehearsal are fun
I'm happy because...
Makino Maria-san said to me
"You've got some gorgeous facial expressions"
But I had to train even more,
I danced more and more and moooore
Hope the result will be worth it
It was great watching our workout videos at home
For the spring tour,
I would like you all to pay attention to my facial expressions~ Lol
* Morning Musume。'17 "BRAND NEW MORNING/Jealousy Jealousy"
Will be out soon...
I want to talk about the MV shooting
My biggest difficulty for the MV of
"BRAND NEW MORNING" was the flag
He was so heavy to carry...
I feel like he was heavier than me lol
But on the other side, Kaedee (Kaga Kaede)
Said to me "No, it's absolutely not heavy". Lol
After all...
Another point where I'm late and I have to improve. Lol
"Hello! Station 209"
Was posted today
It's here
See ya tomorrow~☆
☆Yokoyama Reina☆
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