(2017-02-13 21:44:13) 19. Having a pet☆ Yokoyama Reina

Good evening ✨

I want a stuffed poodle. It's Yokoyama Reina ( ¨̮ )



I really started to think I wanted a puppy. Lol


Who has a dog~?? I'm a bit jealous.
They're really cute right ハート


I think I should stop talking about it right now.
I could talk about it for a long long looong time!


Today, the 13th generation worked hard ✨

I was thoroughly into it ♪ Lol
It's really fun ハート 

It was one of my first training sessions!! キラキラ
Manager-san took a lot of pictures 音符


I would show them all one by one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


☆It was a fulfilling day☆




It's Kaga!!!


See ya~☆


☆Yokoyama Reina☆

#thoroughlyinto #puppy
