(2018-05-19 22:47:26) Osaka Yokoyama Reina


Today we held a concert in Osaka.
Thanks to everyone who came!

Osaka is the hometown of Ogata-san 音符

During concerts in Osaka, fans are always excited!
Your heat is transmitted in less than 5 seconds from the start of the concert.

Suddenly, Reina cannot disappoint you all!
I hope I had a good performance! ニヤリ

Tomorrow there will be another concert in Osaka!
2 performances 照れ

For Ogata Haruna-san,
These are her last concerts.

Will have to make sure they are all memorable ヒマワリ

Thank you all for your support チューリップ黄チューリップ赤チューリップ紫チューリップピンクチューリップオレンジ


ハート To everyone ハート

I got some good news today.
I'm so happy !

Yokoyama Reina

