(2020-09-22 21:35:12) The story of the popular cheki pose Yokoyama Reina

It's Yokoyama Reina
This is the second day of events at Shinjuku!

Thanks for that 😊

It was the first time since a month we did an event 🤭
It's been a while!! Lol

Since we had cheki event yesterday and today,
Isn't the time to talk again about the cheki pose?

A lot of people asked me to do a shupei poses
There's so many choices!

It was so fun! Lol

Especially the pekopa's shupei pose!
I like it so much... 🥺

I also love Pekopa-san 🙋‍♀️
That's why I'm happy I was able to do it at cheki events! Lol

I talked a lot
During talk session! Lol

I hope you enjoyed it 🙇‍♀️

Thank you so much!

Today, for the first time since a while,
I woke up early!!!!

And by myself!!!!!!
I'm so proud!!!!!

I woke up at 5:00 😊 Lol

Yokoyama Reina
