(2018-04-01 21:19:24) 2 days Yokoyama Reina


Yesterday and today
Was the Hina Fes~ !

Thanks to everyone who came.

黄色い花First day

There were two very special performances!

During the first concert,

We had that chance to have our senpai, the Morning Musume。original members!

There was also Taiyo to Ciscomoon on stage...

During the second concert,

Another senpai came, Morning Musume。OG members!

They are still very active members...

I watched them from the dressing rooms,

I couldn't calm my feelings. I was very excited to see these special shows.

They were so cool and talented.

These performances made me realize that I still have a lot to learn.

Second day


Both concerts:

"ANGERME & Juice=Juice Premium"

"Morning Musume。'18 Premium"

During the first concert,

Morning Musume。'18 sang

"Kakugo Shite!" with Inaba Manaka-san aussi!

During the first notes, the audience was very happy to hear this music!
It was funチューリップオレンジ

During the second concert,

It was the Morning Musume。'18 Premium!

There were a lot of performances of Morning Musume。songs!

The last performance was in full cast on Utakata Saturday Night!

It was really great!!!!

Thanks to everyone who came to support us.

Thank you very much.

Yokoyama Reina
