(2020-07-24 21:27:41) The joy of speaking Yokoyama Reina

The second day of the event!
Thank you so much!

Being able to talk with you all for two days in a row
Makes me very happy 😊

Many people have seen yesterday's blog,
I was happy you all told me your favorite hair color 🥺

But I think the votes whatsoever for The light and dark colors were exactly the same 😂

I'll think carefully about that 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️

Also, many people congratulâtes me about
My new Instagram personnal account 😭

So, everytime, I said
"Yes, spread it!" 🙇‍♀️ Lol

Thank you for Following me!

You can see it here 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️

✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚

I couldn't sleep last night
I'll sleep a lot today.

Yokoyama Reina

#event #yokoyamareina #yokoyan
