(2018-01-11 16:00:18) Yokoyama Reina has updated her blog.


Yokoyama Reina has a new announcement for you ハート

Reina's birthday event has been announced 音符
I'm so happy 照れ

And... it's the very day of my birthday!!
チューリップ赤 January 22
チューリップ紫 At Shinjuku ReNY
チューリップピンク ① 18:00 ② 19:45
                                      Two sessions 黄色い花

Tickets are on sale...
Until January 26 00:00!!

"Morning Musume。'18 Yokoyama Reina Birthday Event"
Please come to see me 照れ I'll be waiting for you all !!

I already choose the theme
Of this birthday event 照れ

I'll keep working on the songs I choose...

I'm gonna choose things I can do only when I'm 17...

Something like that 音符

Let's all have fun together ヒマワリ

Well, see you tomorrow~☆
