Hello Pro Maruwakari BOOK 2017 WINTER


Title : Hello Pro Maruwakari BOOK 2017 WINTER (ハロプロまるわかりBOOK 2017 WINTER)
Released on : January 01, 2017
Featured members : Morning Musume。'17 (Fukumura, Ikuta, IikuboIshida, Sato, KudoOda, OgataNonaka, Makino, Haga, Kaga, Yokoyama), °C-ute (Yajima, Nakajima, Suzuki, Okai, Hagiwara), ANGERME (Wada A., Nakanishi, Takeuchi, Katsuta, Murota, Aikawa, Sasaki, Kamikokuryo, Kasahara),  Juice=Juice (Miyazaki, Kanazawa, Takagi, Miyamoto, Uemura), Country Girls (Tsugunaga, Yamaki, Morito, Ozeki, Yanagawa, Funaki), Kobushi Factory (Fujii, Hirose, Nomura, Ogawa, Hamaura, Taguchi, Wada S., Inoue), Tsubaki Factory (Ogata, Yamagishi, Niinuma, Tanimoto, Kishimoto, Asakura, Ono, Onoda, Akiyama)


CONTENT (still incomplete)

· This year is the "rooster" year according to the signs of the zodiac. If you too would be a bird, which would it be ?

Yokoyama : A chicken. Because as soon as I get up, I'm happy (laughs).

· Which member do you want to get closer to this year ?

Yokoyama : I want to get even closer to Kawamura Ayano-chan from Kenshuusei ! I want to give her a lot this year ! 

· Morning Musume。'17 keep their tradition but gradually change their spirit! What will the future of Morning Musume。17 look like ?

Yokoyama : I trained for four months with Kenshuusei and I would like to reach Oda Sakura-san perfection ! I am only 15 years old but I hope to be able to overcome everything with my smile as bright as sun !


· How is shooting with your senpai ?

Yokoyama : Really, my first shooting with senpai is really stressful ... But all the members are incredibly nice and fun. I had a great time!

· What do you currently feel as a new member of Morning Musume。'17 ?

Yokoyama : Born in Saitama on February 22, 2001, it's Yokoyama Reina, one of the new member from Morning Musume。'17 13th generation. I was very stressed meeting members for the first time ... I felt so many feelings at the time that I couldn't describe them all perfectly. But today, I realized that the members are super funny and sweet.

· A word to say to fans ?

Yokoyama : I bet on my smile to allow me to endure all the difficulties I will encounter. From now on, thank you for supporting me !
