Every year and for every Hello! Project member, Hello Shop is organizes what's called a "Birthday Message Card" project (バースデーメッセージカード) : a project in which fans can send their fanletter/fanart to wish a happy birthday to their favorite members. Members are allowed to take pictures with every fanletters they received through this project and to post it on their official SNS. There's also a draw including every fan who participated : 5 among them will win a signed cheki with the member and the fanletter/fanart to thanks them. It's a cute project in which fans can be happy to see their fanletter/fanart next to their favorite members and win a personal signed cheki. Foreign fans are also allowed to participate , even without being part of the fanclub. Here's a tutorial to explain how to participate. Discalmer : I want to give a big thanks to eriponderfulworld 's admin Nele for helping me by giving me the main informations to how participate! Also, the inform...
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