(2017-11-30 22:03:26) Yokoyama Reina's blog has been updated.
Konbanyamayama~ The other day, "Best Artist 2017" was broadcasted Did you all see it ??? Did you see my smile~ Yokoyama Reina's charm point is her smile. Morning Musume。'17 performed "Jealousy Jealousy" And, a collaboration with Sexy Zone "LOVE Machine" Two songs was performed this time These two songs... Isn't there a big gap ??? Lol Cool performance, Energetic performance, We hope you have had a chance to see some performance like theses About Jealousy Jealousy, In the beginning!!!! The very beginning! You can see Yokoyama's smug face Lol Thanks to the formation dance, this song is quite noteworthy I love Jealousy Jealousy! I'm happy we were able to perform it this time We also did a collaboration performance with Sexy Zone-san! We performed all together LOVE Machine Watching the cool Sexy Zone's performance from the rehearsal, I felt something like ...